Nick Rawlin may not have been in the saddle for a little while now, but that has’t stopped the local legend from inspiring members of his chosen sport, to pursue their goals.    

A group of 12 cyclists led by John Coulter from Young, stopped over in Harden on Saturday morning, to meet up with Nick, who currently resides in the Nursing Home. The group was on their way to St Clement’s Monastery where they were  meeting up with other members of their club for lunch.

They brought along the support trailer the group uses on their long rides. It is emblazoned with a tribute to Nick  and his riding exploits.

Nick with members of the Young Cycle Group.

This group of dedicated riders are serious cyclists and it was impressive to hear that their inspiration for much of what they do, comes from Nick.

John had been speaking to Jill, Nick’s daughter and they wanted to pay Nick a visit. The trailer brought a large smile to Nick’s face as he chatted with his fellow cyclists and they went over his list of achievements.

Nick receiving his first place prize for winning the 50k run.

The club’s trailer has a section marked ‘Our inspiration’ and lists Nick’s achievements, including, January 20 1961, 4552 whats bags unloaded (over 300 imperial tins in one day). 1978 Rode from Perth to Sydney in Just over 17 days, a distance of 4506 kilometres. 1988 Rode from Murrumburrah to Darwin a distance of 4500 kilometres. 1990 Rode from Bourke to Murrumburrah in two days a distance of 664 kilometres. 1993 Rode from Northern Territory border to Murrumburrah in 11 days a distance of 2500 kilometres. 1994 Rode from North Queensland to Murrumburrah in 17 days a distance of 4000 kilometres. 1996 Fulfilled a life long dream, rode around Australia, a distance of 32,000 kilometres. 2004 Rode for 24 hours straight for charity (Local Hospital) Honourable mention, rode 50 hours straight covering a distance of 1032.

Nick in his younger days.

Saturday’s trip was a social ride to celebrate the birthdays of a couple of their members and to raise money for a mate who is suffering from Leukaemia.

   Members of the club, Max and Kevin ‘Lefty’ rode with Nick in 1978. Max and Lefty are about to embark on a 40 year anniversary ride for another ride they did in 1979. With only 12 months cycling experience they decided to attempt a bike ride across Australia.

They were accompanied by their father in his caravan. The ride was a success and the brothers clocked up roughly 300 kilometres in riding stints of 10 riding hours each day. 



Nick arriving at his Mum’s house in Wollongong after his Perth to Sydney ride.

Kevin, said, “It was all the way through last time. We had some injuries. There’s a lot better equipment now, saddle seats are better and we have all the equipment and a good inspiration,”

   Despite taking a different track they will  still cover the same amount of kilometres. They said the toughest days are often determined by the weather and not the terrain.

The ride begins on September 7 and is expected to last 23 days.  They will be joined by Chris Duff, Ross Turner, James Slender and John.

The group will be raising money for the Black Dog Institute, McGrath Foundation, Give Me 5 For Kids, Young Hospital and Young Crisis Accommodation Centre. 

John said, “It’s the feeling of space, its just great to travel and its amazing the distances you can travel.”

John said if we ride late enough in the day it’s about beer and if its early, it’s about coffee.

Nick in his Rugby League days. He was a member of the 1947 Maher Cup side.

  There are 80 members in the Young Club with up to 50 regular riders. All riders carry their own insurance and the club is welcoming to new members.

   There is no doubt that Nick would be on a bike with them if he could. He can rest easy knowing his exploits have inspired dozens of others to follow the white line down the road.