Ben Lenehan takes a catch against Young.

The Harden Red Devils claimed another win in their run into the Oilsplus South West Finals Series. Harden shot out to a 19 point lead by halftime, however, Condobolin came back with their big forward pack, picking and going up the field. A few poor penalties from the Devils allowed the Rams back into the match. Ben Lenehan said, “We turned the ball over and we rushed a few phases and it let us down a bit in the end. We couldn’t say we didn’t have enough ball. They put a bit of pressure on us. We got a couple of lucky tries on the back of some good defence.” Lenehan and Rory Bolger were able to put the Rams Full Back under pressure with a box kick and a midfield bomb with both men capitalising with tries to seal the win.


The Yabbies are now out of finals contention after Condo came within 7 points in the loss and scored 4 tries which secured them an extra bonus point. The after match speech was hilarious in that President Lenehan recounted how it was Harden’s plan all along to allow Condo the number of points they scored and the final margin to allow them to continue to play finals footy and boot the Yabbies from the comp. Very well received by all involved. The usual suspects played well for Harden with tries scored by Jim Honner, Tom Lenehan, Ben Lenehan and Rory Bolger with veteran James Daly adding a meat pie to Harden’s tally. Ben Lenehan converted 4 form 5 attempts. Players Player was awarded to Nick Alcorn, 1 point to both James Wallis and Jeremy Martin, 2 points to Jim Honner and 3 points to Nick Alcorn.