Save Tumba and Save Gundagai Demerger Groups Take on Local Government Minister

Upton: “the government would fairly consider any demerger proposal put before them,” Dr Neil Hamilton: “In short, the impossible just became possible.”

Demergers are now front and centre for a Coalition Government reeling from the 3rd biggest swing in NSW political history, after the Liberal Party was decimated in Saturday’s Wagga By-Election. Members from Save Tumbarumba Shire met with the Minister for Local Government Gabrielle Upton last Wednesday. In 2 Letters to the Editor in Tumbarumba’s newspaper, Save Tumba supporters detailed their meeting with the Minister.

Dr Neil Hamilton from save Tumba said, “Firstly, last Wednesday a delegation from Save Tumbarumba Shire drove to Sydney to deliver the second, substantially enlarged version of our proposal to dissolve Snowy Valleys Shire and recreate the former Tumbarumba Shire. We met with the Minister for Local Government, Environment, and Heritage, the Hon. Gabrielle Upton MP, and made our case for independence. We had tried repeatedly to meet with her over the past couple of years without success, but thanks to the efforts of a federal senator with interests in Tumbarumba we eventually secured an appointment.

“The meeting was cordial, respectful, and positive. The Minister accepted our proposal, said that it would be assessed for technical validity by the Office of Local Government, and that she would be advised by them as to the appropriate course of action she can take. We discussed examples of the dysfunction that has been entrenched by the forced merger and made it clear that we would continue fighting and inflicting political pain until we won this battle.”

Unfortunately for residents of Harden Murrumburrah, Hilltops Council chooses to look at the merger through rose tinted glasses and uses and spends the majority of their advertising revenue propping up a newsletter which rarely throws a rock, or holds them to account, the Hilltops Phoenix.

If we want to deal with reality we must ask why Council refused to print a Councillor Column from Councillor Matthew Stadtmiller last week for ‘speaking the truth’. What was so bad that they wouldn’t allow its printing? Staff appear to be unhappy, are leaving in droves and Councillors appeared to be at loggerheads over the library project where the process followed, left a lot to be desired. Projects are not being started or completed and while Harden has seen some concrete paths go down that no-one really knew about or wanted, not one piece of major infrastructure looks like being built in Harden anytime soon, whilst Young’s sporting fields are made the priority, including Cranfield Oval which has now been redesigned, rebuilt and completed. The cutting down of trees in parks and on sidewalks appears to be a priority over fixing far more pressing issues such as picking up rubbish, making sure effluent flows downhill and supplying clean water. Council is in the red and is now borrowing $1.5 million to go towards Young’s joint library facility on Young High School land. A complete debacle dividing the community of Young, let alone leaving Harden in the wilderness.

Hamilton went on to say…“The Minister made a significant political concession during the meeting. She said that the government would fairly consider any demerger proposal put before them,”

repeating a similar statement that she made in Wagga earlier in the week. This contrasts with the earlier statements of the Premier that there would be no demergers. In short, the impossible just became possible. “Secondly, the Liberal State government has been utterly obliterated in the Wagga by-election on Saturday. Not just beaten, but routed. The second or third (depending on the commentator you choose) largest swing against a sitting government in history. A rolled gold blue ribbon seat has now become marginal at best.

“Before the election Save Tumbarumba Shire canvassed all 7 candidates to ascertain their positions on the forced mergers and published the replies of all those who responded. All of them supported our position. That is, everyone but the Liberal candidate Julia Ham. We are still waiting for her response, although she has previously said she does not support a demerger. “We also manned the pre-poll booth in Tumut for the entire week prior to the election to support all candidates who supported us. Again, that did not include Julia Ham who, when confronted at the Tumut candidate forum the previous Wednesday evening, had failed to support the demerger of Tumbarumba.

“On Saturday a busload of Tumbarumba citizens went to Wagga to make our presence felt at voting places across the electorate. There were more than a few surprised faces among the Young Liberal glitterati who had been flown in to support their candidate, and they furiously worked their phones to ensure Gladys and friends didn’t show up where the orange army was. We were told on good authority that she actually arrived at one booth for a scheduled visit, saw the orange army, and took off. Pathetic really, that the Premier of NSW is so gutless that she wouldn’t even talk to her citizens. We did manage to find Julia at a couple of booths and made sure that voters were aware of the treachery of the NSW Liberal Party.

 “The most critical moment of the day was an on camera discussion we had with the Leader of the NSW Opposition, Luke Foley.  Having gone to the trouble to seek us out, Mr Foley made his position crystal clear: if his party forms government next March he will give the people of the former Tumbarumba Shire (NOT the people of Snowy Valleys Shire) a plebiscite to choose whether they wish to demerge, and that he will immediately implement our wishes.  Given the polls, this seems highly likely to happen. Thank you to everyone who helped, it was a great day.
 “Why is this all this important? Because the name “Tumbarumba” is now on the lips of those in Macquarie St, and we have commitments that give real hope to our cause.  The government knows that we can and will continue to inflict pain. A demerger would remove a ´barnacle issue´ before the election and prevent the loss of further seats.  It’s the only backflip left for Gladys to perform.
     “So now the community of Tumbarumba Shire needs to begin planning for the future.  Save Tumbarumba Shire will shortly announce a public meeting to explain what has happened, and to give people the opportunity to think and discuss what we might do in the coming months to prepare ourselves for the new world.
   The second Letter to the editor stated, ”Aside from the Liberal’s election defeat, one significant event was the meeting with Minister Upton and presenting her with a substantial petition signed by over 1,100 Tumbarumba and Snowy Valleys residents. This has formally triggered the legislative process seeking the Minister’s approval to have Tumbarumba demerged from the Snowy Valleys Council. During that meeting Minister Upton asked us to help her understand what was so special about Tumbarumba, because in her words “…I can see that you are very determined and very passionate about getting your council back…” 
     There are those within the Harden community and surrounds who have hoped for their 
independence back and who have sat silently and feared a centralisation towards Young to the detriment of the Harden Murrumburrah community would occur. They need only look at the $6.5 million dollars headed towards a Young town Library which will coincide with a multi-million dollar upgrade of Young High School. Figures of up to $30 million dollars have been discussed in the media and in the hallways at Parliament house in Macquarie Street in Sydney.  
The tens of millions of dollars for Young High-School is not listed in this year’s budget and when pushed on the issue recerntly an unnamed spokesperson released a media release attempting to debunk the claim. It didn’t convince anyone but those with an interest in the project who wanted the discussion silenced.
    Now may be the time to follow Tumarumba and Gundagai and fight forcibly for a demerger of 
Hilltops Council which only makes the bigger towns bigger and the smaller towns like 
Harden-Murrumburrah nothing more than a satellite orbiting the moon.
   Attempts to provide masterplans for Jugiong and Galong are nothing more than plans. Plans mean nothing when a Council is in the red. 
As mentioned before, the effluent isn’t flowing downhill at Jugiong. If Council can’t even do that, masterplans for villages are a bloody long way off. It’s not that they don’t deserve it after years of neglect, it’s just that a lot of the money is going to Young. When $6.5 million goes to one town, what what does that mean for the future of the others?