Jack Glover collects a brand new golf ball from Ron Page.

With our gun team picked from the 10 eligible players, a perfect frosty but fine morning and all our boys in form, the stage looked set for our 3rd win in 4 years. The Golfing Gods did however come together and determine that we are only meant to have a Pennant in odd number years. 2015 and 2017 were our last 2 after a drought of 35 + years. This year being 2018, it did not happen. The team were valiant against our old foes, Cootamundra and the match came down to the last game on course for the result with the win only being established on the 90th hole for the day. Chris Hocking and Tam Kennedy brought home wins, yet the undefeated Tim Beveridge and rock solid Rick Preston were narrowly edged out. Matt Peisley who has been in white hot form of late (and loves it around the Young course) had a mighty tussle and it came down to the last putt on 18 for the day’s result to be determined. Simon from Coota must have played out of his skin to get around our Matt.

Captain Craig and the Club thank the whole team for their effort this year and once again we have come away with a fierce reputation for never giving up in the SWDGA Handicap Pennants. Brownhill Claims Steinke Stableford Our very own Pennants and Matchplay legend John Brownhill triumphed over a solid field in Saturday’s Single Stableford brought to us by Peter Steinke for both a winner and runners up trophy. Maybe it was to make a statement to the selectors for leaving him narrowly out of Sunday’s Pennant Final or something. John has brought home a lovely round of 42 stableford points, 6 better than his handicap, to take out the day’s event. Runner Up on the day was Dan McGrath on 40 points, edging out Nathan Schofield on a countback, also on 40 points. Nathan did however lead off the ball comp.

Other ball winners were Jack Glover on 38 points (awesome to see another junior golfer in our midst and taking after but beating his Club Champion Father on the day), Kevin Hoppe (38 points), Craig Henman 38 pts) and Tam Kennedy (38 pts). Nathan Schofield was nearest the pin on our Bendigo Bank Hole in One Hole, with a shot of 4.83m to the pin. McPake Gets Midweek Honours Michael McPake has nosed his way through the pack of loyal midweek 12 holers to take out this week’s event. Michael has shot a solid 28 stableford points to be 4 better than his handicap and 1 better than the field this week. Michael resumes duties this week 4 shots lighter of handicap on 8.5.

Garth Webb, Ron Kerr and Greg Heycox (a trifecta that would not attract any punters money) were equal 2nd all with 27 stableford points, 1 shot behind Mike. Another good field of 23 players was in attendance this week. This Week Our Gents this week will be playing for the Coopers Choice Cuts Butchery Trophy in an Individual Stableford. Our Ladies will be vying for Val Henderson’s Trophy in an Individual Stroke. See you all out whacking away. Alby Ladies Golf Harden, Saturday 14 July 2018. Ladies played for Toni Filmer’s trophy. Individual Stableford winner Mel Brownhill 37 STB PTS on c/b from Alexa Preston 37 STB PTS. R/u/ Ball Alexa Preston 37 STB PTS. Putts: Alexa Preston 33 putts. Ladies also played 5th Medal Round – Winner Mel Brownhill nett 73. Next Saturday, 21 July – will play for Val Henderson’s Trophy Individual Stroke.