Charlie Hufton presenting a prize to Luke Weston.

Hayley Weston, and Emma Piltz played some incredibly tough games against Lake George and Albury. Although Albury would prove too good, with Emma award the Best No. 3. Todd Weston, Sam Amey, Ben Manwaring, Kieran Chapman, Michael Richards, and Dan Trembath made up Jugiong 1. They would come out on top of Lake George in what was another exciting final. Todd would win Best No. 1, and Dan Best No. 3. Ryan Weston, in keeping with the family’s reputation for talented polocrosse players, won the Philip McIntyre Memorial Trophy for the Best No. 2 player in Club, against some very stiff competition.

Todd put some ‘fire in his belly’ in the final and took home more rugs to keep his horse warm, by winning the Bill Fitzgerald Trophy for the Best Horse & Rider in the Club. He also took away the Bundarbo Station Cup rug for the Champion Horse & Rider of the Carnival. The Jugiong Polocrosse Club extends their sincere thanks to all the sponsors of the rugs and other prizes awarded, and the locals who kindly manned the barbecue all weekend. All Club members are also thanked for making the weekend a success. Harden will welcome the polocrosse community to the Harden Racecourse this weekend on July 7 and 8, where they will host their carnival.