With the Rotary changeover occurring over the weekend, new club President Robert Scott is looking to the future. “We’re trying to get back to the community, we need to reinvent the brand in town and show the community that we’re here for them,” Robert said. “We want to start to doing more community engagement, and completing more projects throughout the town.”

Robert is also aiming to bring younger members into the club, in order to bring a fresh perspective on areas that the Rotary could work on in the town. “We’re also looking at Corporate membership, which allows businesses to have representatives in the club, and this helps with recruits, and also helps their community service.”

Rotary’s 70th birthday was held at the Harden Country Club. A two course dinner was enjoyed by the Rotarians and guests. The attendance award went to Lorraine Brown and the Rotarian of the Year to Robert Fitzpatrick. New President Robert Scott encourages anyone interested in joining the club to contact any of its members, or visit www.rotary.org

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