Harden, to me, is a place of pure kindness and support. We moved here in 2009, ready to start a family. I was a retired athlete and Adam was ready to conquer the pharmacy world. Since then we have been welcomed into the community of Harden with open arms. My husband and I have two beautiful children, with a third on the way. Two years ago, my daughter was born with a life-threatening congenital condition called Pierre Robin Sequence. My husband and I have spent countless months at Westmead Children’s Hospital in Sydney with Charlotte undergoing numerous surgeries and procedures. One of our biggest struggles was the fact that we lived in Harden, 4 hours drive from Westmead hospital and to our specialist Doctors.

Having a sick child and living in the country is extremely difficult and scary. However, throughout the last two years the Harden community have shown so much understanding, care, kindness and support toward our family. I don’t know if we could have made it through without them. Harden is the home of both my husband’s parents, my parents, my grandparents, my sister and her family. Having family available in the good times and the bad is so important. My son Oliver (4) on many occasions was left behind as we felt the enormity of the situation was too much for such a little boy.

Knowing that we could leave him with family in our wonderful community of Harden was everything to us. Our community have such big hearts, we have had continued well wishes, prayers and donations such as gifts, cards, cooking, gardening, and fire wood. Our local medical and health network have been wonderful. Dr Bandgar has been so resourceful and accessible, our community nurses are wonder women – Nicole Bolger and Vicki Fairfield Smith are exceptional people and health experts who were available at any time for any reason. I don’t know what we would have done without them.


The other female health professionals at the Harden community centre such as speech pathology, audiology and psychology have been invaluable to our family’s recovery. The staff at Harden Hospital also have to be mentioned as they have helped many times with medical supplies and emergency medical support whenever we needed it. If we were in any other community, we would have been far more isolated and alone. I feel we have overcome a huge fight and we did not do this alone. This is my opportunity to thank the Harden community, especially the exceptional women of our community for everything they have done for our family, and Charlotte.