A draft version of the Hilltops Budget – Delivery Program & Operational Plan is currently available on the Hilltops Council website. The Draft has not yet become a resolution of Hilltops Council with Councillors voting it down at the May 9 Extraordinary meeting.

A workshop is being held this week where it is expected that changes and amendments will be made to the document quoted below, after a number of Councillors requested changes at the May 9 meeting.

The draft document currently indicates the following, that  $4,985,000 may be allocated to the 16 kilometre long Galong Road between Galong and the Cunningar Road, known as the road to Boorowa. $4,733,000  may be allocated to the Bundarbo Bridge in Jugiong for the replacement of the single lane bridge which crosses the Murrumbidgee River. Signage at the bridge currently states 10 kilometres an hour, single lane only, no passing and no overtaking.

According to the document the road network for the Hilltops Council is not currently sufficiently funding the depreciation or rate of wear of its current transport asset stock. This could equate to a 50% shortfall of the current capital investment levels in true asset replacement (not new asset construction); however, until all financials including asset registers are complied fully with a reasonable degree of confidence, a firm percentage cannot be determined at this stage. This means if this level is maintained, a slow degradation of assets and service levels will occur over time. A rough analysis shows about 60% of financial resources are utilised in maintenance, 40% in capital works (however capital is not just replacement it’s a mixture of replacement/upsize/new).

There is a high reliance on grants, and the need to adopt technologies to complete works more efficiently. Hilltops Council’s Department of Infrastructure staff are working to standardise the road surface and safety across the three former Local Government Areas (LGAs). It is acknowledged that the roads in the former Boorowa LGA are not at the standard of the former Harden and Young LGAs. According to the report “Rate pegging has seen the total General Rate income for Councils set at a maximum 2.3% on the 2018-2019 year.

Adjustments between General Rate categories have delivered a rate revenue that meets the rate peg and in Council’s opinion remains fair and equitable. “

Draft Fees and charges for sporting fields appear to be vastly different between the 3 towns. Rugby Union and Rugby League are charged $1,395.00 whilst in Young Burrangong pay $2,270.00, AFL $2,270.00, Cricket $4,165.00, Young Rugby League $4,165,00. At Boorowa, Rugby League/Union appear to pay a total of $1,355.00. Picnic Race Day at Harden sees a charge of $326 for race day whilst Boorowa pays $1,100.

The Young Greyhound Club is charged the most of all clubs or sporting facilities with an annual charge of $6,080 per annum. Other items of note include $240,000 for Boorowa Playground disability play equipment. $1,500,000 will be spent on the Young Stormwater issues via a loan whilst $250,000 looks to be headed to the Young Victoria St Transfer Station. With a Hilltops-Wide Waste strategy currently being compiled, it appears that a large amount of money is being directed towards Young regarding waste.

A depot relocation at Boorowa costing in excess of $2,000,000 is also on the books whilst plant or machinery purchases have been estimated at $4,400,000 each year for the next 10 years. The Delivery Plan, Operational Plan, Workforce Strategy, Asset Management Strategy and Long Term Financial Plan are on public exhibition for a period of 28 days and can be found online and at any of the 3 offices of Hilltops Council. The Times will provide more budget information in the following weeks.

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