I have recently discovered the work of Jeremy Rivkin and his book ‘The Third Industrial Revolution’. In his text, he discusses the digital revolution that is revolutionising all commercial sectors and disrupting the traditional workings of virtually every industry and social construct. This ‘Third Industrial Revolution’ is ‘the internet of energy’ with energy sources distributed and not centralized and scaled laterally and not centrally.

The growing number of solar cells in Hilltops mirrors this move; the next step surely is to set up micro grids and cooperatives. The digital revolution through social media has connected us to each other in new ways, giving a voice and strength to many who were unable to, or too afraid to, stand alone. It also can be used as a weapon & we need to support each other to make sure that bullying and harassment of any sort is unacceptable in the homes, institutions and workplaces of our Hilltops region.

Rivkin points out that if this digital revolution is operated & constructed mainly by men, then the new social economy will be male oriented. It is important that the 51 per cent of the population that is female, is fairly represented; when both male & female views are equally considered and valued, then more constructive decisions about our world’s future will result.

Rivkin argues that at the heart of this revolution is the millennial generation; it is their turn to utilise our public, social and private capital to create new economic opportunities and a more sustainable post-carbon society to mitigate climate change. I have had the opportunity to visit the new Woolhara Council Library and to see how this new community space operated.

I spoke to librarians, roaming with their iPads; parents reading to their children; children playing games at the games stations; students studying in the general areas and in the designated quiet rooms and senior community members reading the papers, borrowing books and utilising specific stations. I am excited about the possibilities for our Hilltops library network; I believe our new library based in Young, will have the capacity to enrich the social capital of Hilltops – be part of the community ‘glue’ that will hold us together for the future.