Following years of extensive lobbying, Roads & Maritime Services (RMS) has announced the construction of a dedicated signpost on the Hume Highway, directing drivers to Young. Hilltops Mayor Brian Ingram said the sign, to be located adjacent to the south-bound lanes of the Hume Highway on approach to the Lachlan Valley Way turnoff, is expected to be up before the end of June. “Hilltops Council picked up the baton from the former Young Council to push for this outcome which means that the three main townships within the Hilltops LGA, and the village of Jugiong, are well signposted on the Hume,” Mayor Ingram said.

“This sort of visibility means that travellers who may have otherwise passed us by, have a prompt directing them to our area, which is good news for our local businesses particularly those in the hospitality and tourism sector. “More than 200 people are employed directly in the tourism sector locally but of course there are hundreds more that are involved indirectly, and it’s this kind of positive flow-on effect – along with the direct tourism spend – that benefits the entire community,” he said.

According to findings from Tourism Research Australia, visitors to the Hilltops Region spend $79 million in the local economy every year. Domestic travellers and international guests both spend a significant sum of money during their stay; those visiting from overseas spend on average just over $900 per trip, while those visiting from other parts of Australia spend close to $350 per trip. Visitors who come and spend the day are also digging deep, spending on average $191 while they’re here. “We have so much to offer visitors in the Hilltops Region; I often hear about people who return again and again after discovering the attractions and festivals the area boasts, and I’m confident we’ll see more first-time visitors exploring the region,” Mayor Ingram said.

The signage however, will direct westbound traffic to travel through Boorowa instead of Harden. A proposal from Councillor Stadtmiller to have a second set of signs installed further down the road near the turn off to Burley Griffin Way has been proposed. If successful the sign may state ‘Final Exit Young Via Harden’ .