Long hot days, who is pining for the winter? It certainly is hard on the gardens and the owners trying to keep things alive. Our water bills may be a bit of a shock but it is quite distressing to see plants and trees we have nurtured dying from heat and lack of water– so most of us try. Perhaps some rain soon, but none predicted yet.
At least the swimmers at the shine Shield last Sunday would have appreciated a more than warm day  ( frequently over the years it has turned cold for the carnival–I think the swimming lessons were held in warm conditions this year also. Often the poor kids have nearly turned purple with the cold). Maybe the spectators were not so appreciative  of the heat  but there was a very good number of supporters from all the clubs.  The change to a day carnival rather than night seemed to be popular.
The last I heard the competition points were still being checked.
Binalong was in the news during the holiday break for all the wrong reasons. Firstly the vandalism at the pool where the items not screwed down  were chucked into the water and ruined causing a hefty financial burden as well as a physical  burden to restore order to the area. What pleasure would anyone derive from throwing things into the water? How did they get over the fence? Who are they? Mindless idiots whoever they are. Just so  no one would miss the vandalism ,these heroes damaged the kid’s skate park s well.
   The second reason Binalong made the news headlines was the number of vehicle accidents on the corner of Fitzroy Street and Burley Griffin Way. I believe seven in the last month or so. At least two semi (or B double or ?) have rounded the corner on the way to Yass and rolled off their own side of the road. Others finished up in  some strange positions. As far as I am aware, the road has not changed for years, it has not been wet or oily when the accidents occurred, so why so many in such a short time now? Many locals believe it is speed and inattention. It is well within the 60 k limit but a large number of passing drivers seem to be unaware of that fact. What will be done?  Who knows,  locals don’t foresee any major work being done on the corner. Perhaps better signs, lowering the speed limit, guard rails might be a start.
   There was a mix up in the time for the meeting arranged to discuss the future of the Mechanic’s Institute last Thursday so there were not many  in attendance. The change was initiated by the Council staff as 6p.m was the only time slot they had available to accept the invitation to address the gathering. Those present decided unanimously to appoint a new committee, deal with the  changes necessary and go from there to ensure the hall remains a community asset..
The council reps made it quite clear that the council does NOT want to take over the hall management as it would be an added burden for its  financial bottom line. So that  puts to rest the theory some people have held that the council was eager to take on the responsibility of the hall.
Belinda Pigram and Di Hopkirk did a great job  explaining to those present about incorporation, Lands Department requirements etc and Belinda had just a few days to notify them of the meetings intentions.. A new committee will be elected at the next meeting so if you are interested you would be very welcome. P.S. The renovated kitchen looks wonderful with I think everything being replaced, the floor fixed and air conditioning installed.  A great achievement by the small interested group who have made up the committee.
   Sadness in town  for those who knew Kate Cummins for the short time she was here. Kate passed away last Friday night having lost her battle with cancer. Kate
arrived in town less than two years ago and quickly fitted into village life, especially at the club. With lots of knowledge and the gift of the gab she soon established a
reputation as “a bit of a character”. No last name needed, just say Kate and everyone knew who you meant. She told me just
before Christmas that she had just had her 66th birthday. Farewell Kate.
Congratulations to John  and Norma Blair who married in Sydney 62 years ago and quietly celebrated the occasion on Sunday night at the club with family and friends. Well done you two.
   The annual meeting of the Binalong Community club is to be held on  11th
February at 10 a.m. A bowls afternoon for ladies will take place after that to once again try to find some interested new players. No uniform  required, bowls can be provided, no prior knowledge of the game needed, no pressure to perform.
Julene, club secretary, has organised for wine and cheese to make the day a little more sociable. I will try to find out if lunch is available. Please let me know if you are interested. 62274 213
   A pleasing number at the raffle on Sunday night. John  Stadtmiller’s number came up in the membership draw but as he was not in the club the prize jackpots again.
Best wishes to Gary O’Gorman who is at present a patient in the Yass Hospital. He was in for a brief time  on Friday, came home but was taken back by ambulance yesterday.
The cloud cover has kept the temperature down  a little to-day. Not as bad as the forecast suggested.
Until next time.