McLean Oval is one of Harden’s many prides, being the place the Hawkettes have thrashed many challengers and the Hawks set the crowd ablaze, which makes a lot of the community outraged to see the state it is currently in.

The grass has overgrown on the field, some of it reaching over the white fences and climbing up the goalposts.

The jungle-looking site has raised many questions for Hilltops Council regarding when the field was last mowed.

Not only is it a place for rugby league matches during the winter season and training grounds, but it is a place open for public use which will see many kids having a kick of the footy during the summer period.

Concerned parents are now reconsidering allowing their kids to play on the field due to the risk of snakes appearing in the long grass during summer period.

Maintenance of the oval is Hilltops Council’s responsibility; however, Council have had anything but a short list of maintenance works they need to complete after the floods.

Roads between Harden and Young have been in desperate need of repairs for well over a month.

Hilltops may be short staffed due to the litany of repairs needed since the poor weather but that does not explain why Council don’t outsource the job to a local contractor.

We reached out to Hilltops Council for comment; however, they did not respond to our inquiry.

As the sun comes out and school holidays finally begin, Harden residents are hoping the oval will be in a condition to be used by the kids looking to enjoy a day on the field in the sunshine.

Jack Murray