Our female sports stars have certainly been under the spotlight over the last few weeks. We’ve always known that we have some talented girls and women in our twin towns and surrounds, however, this year has seen the level of success go above and beyond that of any time the TTT has witnessed over the last 9 years.

Our local ladies are making sporting history and putting us on the map. We now have ladies from other towns coming from far away to join our sporting teams.

When we can’t go any further locally, we often head to the big smoke ourselves.

Either way, our women are roaring to the front of the queue.

We’ve had Grace Kemp debut for the Wallaroos and Tara McGrath-West sign on with NRLW side the Dragons.

Our She Devils won their maiden Premiership just a fortnight ago.

The Emms girls continue to play soccer at a high level with another story about Sam coming soon. Our U16s ladies won their northern pool League Tag Grand Final on Saturday at McLean Oval.

Saturday also saw our WorHawks and our Hawkettes bring home their respective Grand Finals. For the Hawkettes, some may think it was a fait accompli, but it’s not that simple.

When you are at the top those underneath become hungrier each year. You must keep training and getting better at the little things to stay ahead. They were down 2 nil and came back to make it 6-2 at the break.

They remained calm and collected before going into overdrive and outclassing their opposition across the park. It’s not that the Roverettes are a bad side, it’s just that the Hawkettes are a great side.

Will they all stay together and win again next year? Who knows? With Polly as the Coach and his love for the Dragons, could they go for 11 premierships?

The WorHawks were confronted by a different and more difficult year than most sides in 2022. They finished near the bottom of the ladder but stormed into the George Tooke Grand Final and won it 10-4.

They also had to deal with the passing of Terry Hocking on Friday night, the night before they travelled to Bungendore for what would be Terry’s daughter Mell’s last game, with Terry’s granddaughter Hunter, while son in law David and Mell and David’s son Tyson also in support.

Mell and Hunter both had stellar games and helped get their side home as the team banded around them in full support in an uncompromising game which spilled over at full-time.

Our local sportswomen certainly are showing the town the way forward. With such levels of success it makes you proud to be from our humble little twin towns. Harden-Murrumburrah is certainly punching above its weight.

It’s leading the way for all to see.

Congratulations to everyone who is out and about at the moment and doing their best, you are doing yourselves and all of us proud.