Isabella Piper, Eliza Taylor, Hayley Hambrook, Josie Davis-Chard, Zarlie Quinn, Heidi O’connor, Makayla Murphy, Shania McKinnon, Steph Piper, Emma Craig, Amber and Talia McKay, Melanie O’Farrel, Charlene Caboral, Sophie Barnes and Sara Collins.

Steph Piper has become a superstar coach at 17, leading the under 16 Bush Hawks to Grand Final victory this Saturday.

Having her P’s and five years of league tag experience under her belt without even yet cracking 18.

She has focused on the coaching the girls since she lost the opportunity to play for the Roverettes due to tearing her ACL which she is now waiting to get operated on.

Steph Piper helped inspire the girls to win their finals match 16-4.

The Bush Hawks defended their nest against the invading Coota Bulldogs by striking fear into them with an early try by Shania McKinnon.

More points were added to the scoreboard with a try from Makayla Murphy which was converted by Shania McKinnon.

With only five minutes left on the clock, Hayley Hambrook intercepted a pass that would snatch the ball from the hands of Coota and put it past their tryline and then through the posts.

All that training between Boorowa and Harden had paid off but the biggest challenge has yet to come as the Wagga Brothers are looking to pull some feathers off the wings of the Bush Hawks. In a local Superbowl showdown, the two Grand Final under 16 Group 9 teams will square off this Saturday.

Steph Piper looks at her year coaching the girls with a lot of glee, enjoying the experience and opportunities she had.

“It is good fun. It’s good to be involved,” she said.

“They’re a great bunch of girls so it’s really fun to coach them.

“I would like to coach next year just depends who put that puts their hand up.” Good luck to the under 16’s this weekend.

Jack Murray