Last weekend the Jugiong Polocrosse Club celebrated 60 years of existence.

Many of Jugiong’s youth have spent more time at the Polocrosse fields than in their own homes over the past six decades, with everyone joining the club, falling in love with the sport.

On the weekend people were invited to the Jugiong Polocrosse grounds to go through photographs taken over the entirety of clubs existence, along with memorabilia collected over the past 60 years.

The crowd that went to the Polocrosse fields, was not only filled with ex and current members, but also with many Jugiong locals, who aren’t associated with the club, but understand the importance the club has had within the entire Jugiong community. Sandra Weston, whose family is rooted in Jugiong Polocrosse pedigree, had this to say about the day. “Everybody loved going through the photos, especially seeing the old members we all had a laugh. “We had a few people hang around after the meeting at the fields for dinner, and that was really nice catching up with everybody and hearing stories about the club over different time periods and how it’s evolved. “We had a two day event over the weekend, and that went really well. We fielded two very competitive A-Grade sides which was great, and they both made it to the final and got to play each other which was a lot of fun. “We had a A-Reserves competition as well, and Jugiong also won that. So we really cleaned up on the day and in that reserves side we had three under 16s so that was great to see. “To top it all off, we won the C-Grade as well which was awesome, we fielded five teams and had seven kids under 12 in them. “We also had 20 more kids running around ready to play, so to say the club is in a good place would be an understatement.” The dinner saw over 100 people sit down and enjoy each others stories, with over 40 kids.

The club also had a few ‘blow-ins’ with people travelling through Jugiong coming over to the fields to see what all the fuss was about. With the Polocrosse season having nearly reached its completion, some player’s seasons will continue when they play in the championships in August. Jugiong continues to produce quality Polocrosse players, and will be sure to continue doing so for the                                                                             next 60 years.

Tully Potts