Peter Heywood, Tony Bryant, Robyn Bodycott (Apps), Karen Tanswell, Joanne Psaltis (Flaskas), Joy McGrath (Hearne), Alison Taylor, Vicki James (Dunn), Bob Stevenson, Front: Kathy Nadycz, Lynn Bryant (Stoddart), Doris Dyball (Muscat), Virginia Lee (Daley), Geoff Edwards, Robyn Oakman (Wall), Trish Shea (Bates).

On Saturday November 21 a small group assembled at the Harden Country Club for dinner to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their completion of high school studies at Murrumburrah Intermediate High School (MIHS) as it was then known.

There was a lot of laughter and good spirits although none partied till the wee small hours as they may have done in the past.

At a suitably civilised time on Sunday morning some of the group again gathered at Terracotta in Murrumburrah for brunch and more chat.

Although the group have had regular catch ups with varying numbers over the last 10 years, this year was a bit special, and not just because of 50 years having passed but because we could get together at all despite Covid.

People came from Sydney, Canberra, Cootamundra, Yass, Uranquinty and locally to share old memories and make some new ones.

Contributed by Karen Tanswell