Harden’s Zachary Sommer, Ebony Ulrick, Olivia Doolan, Rosemaree Irving and Charlie Madden who commenced their schooling years together at Bunyip, attended Trinity Catholic School and now are Year 12 Graduates from Hennessy Catholic College.

Sixty-two Year 12 graduates were farewelled from Hennessy Catholic College last Thursday at a very moving Mass and Award Ceremony at St Mary’s Catholic Church in Young. Among the graduating class of 2020 were Harden Students Olivia Doolan, Bridie Minehan, Charlie Madden, Rosemaree Irving, Ebony Ulrick and Zachary Sommer. The Year 12 students processed into the church where staff members gathered, with parents via live stream, for the Graduation Mass. Father James celebrated the Mass and Year 12 students actively participated in all aspects, including flag ceremony, readings, offertory procession, music and the reading of letters of support from parents and family members. 

Following the Mass, all Year 12 students were presented with their final report, graduation certificate, a gift from the school and letters of congratulations from Steph Cook MP, Member for Cootamundra and Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley, Governor of NSW. 

Academic, sporting and other special awards were presented before the graduates and staff processed through a whole school guard of honour to the grounds of Hennessy for a lunch prepared by the Year 10 Hospitality Class.

Congratulations to our Harden students who featured predominately in the awards ceremony. Olivia Doolan was awarded first place in English Studies and received the Sister Philomena Sewell Award for consistent application to academic pursuits, demonstrating growth, displaying perseverance and performing at her best. Ebony Ulrick was awarded first place in Catholic Studies, Academic Excellence Award and joined Olivia in receiving the Sister Philomena Sewell Award. Bridie Minehan was awarded first place in Ancient History, English Advanced and Visual Art, Academic Excellence Award and the Nano Nagle Community Service Award for her commitment to leadership and social justice. 

The Year 12 Students now have a month to conclude their studies in preparation for the HSC Examinations late October. We wish the students all the very best in the exams and with their future endeavours in what has been an extraordinary and challenging year.