Hilltops Councillor Tony Flanery went in to bat for Hilltops
ratepayers at April’s meeting.

Hilltops Council’s April meeting saw Councillor Tony Flanery signal his
intentions early, to move amendments to assist ratepayers and sporting clubs in the Hilltops Council area. He stated “council instantly cease interest

on outstanding rates charges until further notice”.

Cr Flanery said charging interest on debt during Covid-19 would only make it harder for ratepayers who are going through financial hardship.
He said ”I think all governments need to put their hand up to help out what is a very, very difficult situation. I don’t believe we should be exacerbating the situation by charging interest on outstanding rates until we can get through the crisis and deal with those who have been affected by job losses or lower income.”

Councillor Stadtmiller supported Flanery’s comments stating while it would be only a small reprieve, it will assist Hilltops ratepayers in the longterm. He said, “I know this will only make a minor financial response to their issues but I think we really should do our best to help out those suffering in the community at the moment and continue to lobby the state government to approve funding.”

Councillor Tony Wallace spoke against the amendment as did Councillor
Armstrong. Armstrong highlighting that it may encourage the “non compliant ratepayers to continue with their non compliance and certainly discourage those compliant ratepayers from being compliant in the future.” He also noted that Council was operating at a loss.

Cr Flanery said, “When we’re seeing the amount of money that the federal government is stumping up and the state government, we have got to be aware of what our role is in the community.”

“I also think that it also provides council an opportunity to show a little bit of goodwill to those who are in trouble and we can work with them then but it’s just known, that when people get into arrears, adding stress to stress just causes more stress.”

The amendment was lost six to four and the original motion to note the
report became the resolution.

Hilltops Council will ‘celebrate’ 4 years since Harden, Boorowa and Young Councils were forcibly amalgamated on May 12.