In these days we might ponder how each of us responds to overwhelming negativity, fear and despair. As we edge closer to Easter, I wonder what thoughts were going through Jesus’ head as he edged closer to Jerusalem and then Calvary. He must have felt many of the emotions that we are feeling now, but deeper and more severe. That is why God became man— to reassure us that all we feel and fear, he knows and understands.  He has been there, and done that………

Welcome to our second week of our new remote learning platform for all our students and families, whether working from home, or at school. During this past week I have witnessed firsthand, the amazingly talented staff that we have at Trinity. The teachers have set the learning up in such a way that it appears like the students at home are physically present at school. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful staff who give above and beyond to support the learning of all our students at Trinity. We miss all of our beautiful students and families but fortunately we have the opportunity to stay in touch through access to technology with Google Classrooms and Seesaw.

This week, I spent a considerable amount of time contacting each family and ensuring that the children were accessing the learning and coping with the learning tasks. I have also been checking in on all our beautiful parents as this new form of learning has certainly presented challenges for them. It was lovely to have received such positive feedback from all our parents. They too are in awe of our wonderful staff.

Next term, we will continue with remote learning for all our students. At this stage, Trinity will continue to remain open to support our families who have parents working in essential services and are unable to provide care, until advised otherwise. Term one will conclude for all Trinity students this Friday, April 3 to enable all staff to participate in online training. School will resume for all students on Tuesday April 28 and it will be remote learning.

We wish you all a very happy and holy Easter and we hope you get an opportunity to participate in the Easter events and celebration of the Easter story online. We hope you all have a very safe holiday and enjoy the time relaxing with family.

Stay well and stay safe!

God Bless,

Marylou Gorham