Sam Manwaring is a Year 5 student at Jugiong Public School. In 2019 alone Sam has travelled to Sydney 3 times to compete at State level for swimming, cross country and athletics. This is what Sam had to say about his success:

You are the first Jugiong student to compete three times at State level in one year. How did you prepare yourself for these competitions? “Lot’s of hard work and training, and determination to do my best at all times.”

Athletes have to eat healthy foods to be in top shape. Did you have a special diet in the lead up to competition? “No, I just love food and eat a lot of it. Pasta is my favourite meal to eat the night before an event.”

What motivated you to reach such a high level of sporting achievement? “Just to see if it was possible for me to make it 3 times in a year.”

Do you have a sporting hero? Did someone inspire you to compete? ‘I have met Dawn Fraser and I found her very inspirational and a nice person. I also enjoy watching the Campbell sisters compete.”

What is the best part of competing? “Meeting a lot of new people and meeting up with people I’ve met before at events. Also working for new personal best times.”

Do you have a favourite sport?“ Swimming! And football because I enjoy playing team sports.”

What do you do to calm yourself before competing? “Tapping my collar bones that I learnt from Mrs Hyles.”

What is your favourite sporting moment? “The excitement of winning a gold medal with my team mates in the swimming relay.”

How does sport make you a better student and person? “It makes me competitive and resilient because things don’t always go to plan. I develop determination to always do my best.”

What have you learned about teamwork from being on the State swimming and athletics teams for Jugiong Public School? Everybody needs to put in a lot of effort and hard work, and to have trust and faith in your team members. I’d like to thank my mum and dad for taking me to the events and helping me train, also my sister Amy. My school friends and teachers for all their support and watching me on live stream. To all my supporters that follow me around. Nan and Pop Smith and Gran and Pop Manwaring.