Terry Ricketts lets one go.

Maestro Singles results Thursday Night

Brian Wales had a nice win over Bob Head 31/25.

Damian Miller (Yng) defeated John Goggin (Cta) 31/23.

Craig Phillis defeated Sam Larson (Stk) 31/18.

Shane Foote (Bwa) had a tussle with Colin Stokel (Yng) 31/28.

Jake Fisher was the surprise of the night defeating Harold Anderson (Yng) 31/15. Well done Jake.

Friday Night

Matt Peisley defeated Maurice Mueller 31/17.

Shane Foote defeated Bob New (Cta) 31/9.

Terry Ricketts defeated George Sommerville (Yng) 31/25.

John Harriott defeated Brian Gibson 31/14.

Mufti Bowls Sunday Afternoon

Ged Davis, Matt Stadtmiller and Louise Preston defeated Cary Peters, Keryl McKellar and Wal Leonow 14/9.

Terry Ricketts and Brian Gibson defeated Shane McKellar and Warwick Prosser 24/14.

Winners of the chooks, Ricketts and Gibson.

Chris Hocking, Rod James, Tony Fisher, Jake Fisher, Bob Head and Craig Phillis attended Ganmain Fours Tournament last weekend, no prize money but from all reports they enjoyed the weekend.

Maestro Friday Night

Tony Curtis vs Cary Peters (m) Ged Davis

Damian Miller vs Tony Fisher (m) Tom Apps

Jake Fisher vs Tom Glover (m) Craig Phillis

Graham Murray vs Matt Peisley (m) Chris Hocking