Donut Stallholder Hayley Chesworth with happy customer Lola Giddings. Paul Atherton with his wooden boards. Blacksmith Will Forge working in the Old Stables behind the courthouse.  Tegan Drew ‘My Petite Boutique’ childrens clothes and accessories. Members of the Gregory Hills Rotary Club with Nicole and Robert Scott.



The Handmade in Harden Murrumburrah Community Markets continues to grow each time it is held, with Sunday’s Markets welcoming a Rotary Group from Gregory Hills in South West Sydney. The group met at the Harden Council Chambers on Saturday before embarking on a tour of the twin towns and surrounds which included Ballinaclash Orchard and a number of local eateries. The group watched on as the Markets held a Blacksmith display in the old stable at the Courthouse, conducted by Will Forge. The Markets now has upwards of 20 stall holders. The Donut stall run by Hayley Chesworth proved to be very popular with the aroma permeating Vernon Street. The new entrance off Albury St improved acces to stalls and was utilised by those that attended. The Handmade in Harden Murrumburrah Community Markets group will continue to run once a month and is currently encouraging those who attend to take a online survey on their Facebook page. Feel free to take part in the survey and offer any ideas on the markets.