Tania Thurlow with Gary Doohan at the Awards Ceremony.

Gary Doohan recently retired form the NSW Police Force, however, the force hadn’t forgotten Gary when he was honoured with the National Medal for 15 years of service and Region Commander’s Certificate of Merit at Wagga last week.

Retired Senior Constable Gary Doohan said he was honoured to have been recognised in the ceremony after deciding to step down earlier in the year. “It makes me proud, I did not do the job to get recognition, but it has made me very happy.”

In 2009, two suspects involved in a pursuit following an armed hold up collided with another motor vehicle on the M5 near Ingleburn. Senior Constable Doohan and his partner were first on the scene. They came across an injured child being removed from the vehicle hit by the van involved in the chase. Gary and his partner assessed the child and commenced CPR which they performed up until the arrival of paramedics.

Both Gary and his partner took charge of the scene and attended to the other occupants of the vehicle and worked the scene of the crime. Gary joined the force in 2002 and was at the coal face working around Fairfield, dealing with drugs and street level crime as well as Maqaurie Fields Highway Patrol.

In 2010 he came to Harden where he continued to work before retiring in March this year, Gary said, “Working in the country is a lot more personal, you are dealing with the people you actually know. It is a lot better feeling being in your own community.” Gary will be enjoying some time off and said he will be reconnecting with the family. He said, “I loved it, it was the best job in the world.”