Paula Alcorn, Paula Butt, Nicole Ward, Virginia Fitzgerald, Maree Stewart, Jane McCarthy, Shelly Barker and Julie Doolan. 


Sue Lenehan and Barb Hufton.


 Kyah Wilson- Feature Artist. 


Brian Allen and Tony Engel. Photo and story Paula Butt.

The eighth biennial Art Exhibition was another amazing weekend of wonderful art, community spirit and hard work at Jugiong last weekend. Reflecting back to our first Art Exhibition in 2003. We have learnt and grown so much. The things that haven’t changed is the beautiful wide range of artworks, the appreciative artists (and thank you so much to the artists for exhibiting with us again), the volunteering from our wonderful committee (which has grown and changed slightly), the fantastic sponsorship  especially our major sponsors, the help from so many generous people, the positive buzz, the overwhelming feeling of excitement when the artworks are arriving on Thursday morning and thinking how are we going to do this? 

Well we did it again and it was a huge success. With over 82 artists exhibiting 198 works and 140 people attending the Cocktail party on Friday night the scene was set for a wonderful weekend and it didn’t disappoint. The cocktail party was a lovely night and enjoyed by all with 22 works being sold that night. During the proceedings of the Cocktail Evening on the Friday, Stephanie Corkhill Hyles welcomed the guests to the beautiful village of Jugiong and acknowledged the work of exhibiting artists from our region and surrounding areas and some as far as Sydney, Canberra and the South Coast. Feature artist Kyah Wilson from Dubbo was welcomed by Stephanie and from there the exhibition was declared opened. Kyah’s amazing artworks were admired by all and was a spectacular addition to our exhibition.

The Art Exhibition was very grateful to Kyah for being our Feature Artist and for entrusting her works with us. Kyah was gracious to be invited to Jugiong and said that she will be back very soon, excited by our little village! Talented and inspiring artists in Jennie Forster, Penny Kerr, Al Phemister, Tricia Wimpenny and Karen Walsh shared their skills in workshops being held on both Saturday and Sunday. Groups of aspiring and experienced artists, developed their techniques with a selection of mediums including willow, ceramics, ink, drawing, wire sculpture and recycled sculptures. The participants had a great time, taking away skills which will enable them to become artists in their own right. These workshops were attended by 40 participants who were catered for by our wonderful kitchen team and all had a great time. In recent weeks the Children’s Workshop was held at the Jugiong School by Stephanie Corkhill Hyles and they were exhibited for all to see at the Hall.

The children created ceramic faces and animals. There were lots of sales for the children, which was so exciting for them. We feel it is very important to encourage the younger generation of artists and to have the experience of exhibiting in an exhibition. The talent of these young artists has certainly been nurtured and they were very proud to show off their masterpieces to their families and friends. Each work completely different from the other depicting a unique and brave style in each individual piece. Children’s artworks can inspire others and the beautiful sense of just ‘letting go’ and creating is the essence of each of their pieces. These beautiful young ones are our ‘upcoming artists’…watch this space!

Visitors were impressed with the wonderful exhibit of artworks displayed over the weekend and many visitors from all over were welcomed. The people’s choice was awarded to artist Polly Kimmorley with her “Strike Of Light” artwork and Gabrielle Samperi from Yass was drawn out as the lucky winner for entering in the peoples choice. The lovely piece of art for our raffle which was created by Stephanie Corkhill Hyles titled “Beauty Within” was won by William Quinn from Harden, while the lucky door prize created and donated by Tricia Wimpenny at the Quirky Crow which was won by Jugiong’s Eileen Oxford. The weekend event saw 41 works of art being sold, all created by artists using their unique styles and a mix of media, including oil, acrylic and watercolour paintings, photography and sculpture. Special thanks must go to all the committee & helpers, the kitchen, waitresses and bar staff on Friday night and the catering team in the kitchen over the weekend who provided scrumptious morning/afternoon teas and lunch which was supported and enjoyed by many visitors.

These events cannot take place without the help and support of so many hardworking dedicated and committed people so a special thanks to all involved and to local & surrounding business’ providing financial support for the event who have contributed. The generous sponsors were, Free Range Web Design, Bongongo Angus, Jugiong Motor Inn, Quirky Crow, Flynn Sprake Financial Planning, Bald Hill Quarry, Long Track Pantry, Dawson & Partners Accountants, Sir George, Jugiong Wine Cellar, Ginos Fruit & Veges, and Twomeys Accountants. A special thank you to Al Phemister who helps each exhibition to help hang artworks and exhibited his beautiful sculptures again this year. The money raised from this exhibition goes towards the ongoing maintenance and repairs to The Historic Jugiong Catholic Church and also helping in many ways in our community and beyond. It is a beautiful peaceful Church that is actually used by many during the week as a quiet place to sit, think and pray as well as our very special Masses and Liturgies on a Sunday Morning. We are proud of our beautiful Church and with your ongoing support we can continue to maintain it.  Thank you one and all who contribute to our Art Exhibition and Parish Community. See you all in November 2021.