Binalong Public School held its 3rd annual Spring Fair (previously Market Day) last Saturday 9 November. The Fair is one of the major fundraising events held each year by the hard-working P&C of the small school.


Visitors came from Yass, Harden, Canberra, Wagga and even as far as a Dubbo. Children of all ages enjoyed the inflatable activities, pony rides and face painting, while the adults browsed the variety of stalls, the crowd was entertained by musical duo Joe Duffy & John Schofield and Poet Robyn Sykes. ‘We are extremely happy with the day’ said P&C President Angela Taylor ‘the kids had a great time and the adults got to catch up and have a chin-wag while doing a bit of shopping and supporting our little school.’ The P&C have two big projects happening at the school at the moment – a new front garden and new sandpit with cover.

Binalong Public School P&C Playgroup also raised money from their stalls and raffle, which will go towards a new fence and play equipment.

The P&C committee wanted to thank all volunteers from the community, school families, extended family members, school staff, students & local businesses. ‘We really appreciate all the help we have received up to and on the day’ commented Angela ‘It does take a lot of work but we do it for the kids today & for future generations of children that will come through the Binalong school’. The P&C are planning an even bigger and better Fair in 2020.