Protestors in Tumbarumba want their Local Council back.

Snowy Valleys Council and Coota Gundagai Council are in the process of attempting to have their Councils demerged and returned to the former local government areas. The Save Tumbarumba Shire Inc Group said,

“In Budget Estimates on Monday Local Govt Minister Shelley Hancock acknowledged that the most recent demerge petition submitted earlier this year is valid!! A HUGE thanks to Peter Primrose, David Shoebridge and the other Upper House members who intensely grilled Hancock in Estimates on Monday. What it means is we have now cleared the first Legislative hurdle towards a demerger, in contrast to the 2 previous petitions that the government found excuses to declare invalid. It is now in the Minister’s hands to take the next step in the process which is to have the Boundaries Commission review and make a recommendation to the minister whether to go ahead and have the Governor Proclaim a new local govt area, thus reestablishing the old Tumbarumba LGA as a new standalone council. The minister has not yet committed to head down that path, but we are optimistic. In 2015 the Boundaries Commission concurred with the govt appointed delegate who recommended not to go ahead with the forced merger, so it would be ludicrous if it now said it was a good idea given the disastrous performance of SVC.”

Cootamundra Gundagai Council is going down the same path and seeking a review and potential demerger.  Temora Mayor Rick Firman is on the Boundaries Commission and although Temora managed to stand alone, other towns such as Harden and Cootamundra were unable. It may be time for Firman to look over the boundary from his own Council and support a demerger of all Councils forcibly merged.

In a story in the Tumut and Adelong Times on September 3, Hancock was quoted as stating “Move on and Move Forward” in regards to the mergers. The Snowy Valleys General Manager sacked the 3 most senior staff last month causing news rooms to move quickly to report the issue.

Hilltops Council has seen all 3 Senior staff go and in one position has seen 2 leave. The 3rd staff member to take on the role of Director of Infrastructure was not at the last Council meeting held in Boorowa.

It makes one feel that the Hilltops areas plight is just as valid as the surrounding Councils, if not more, when it comes to staffing issues, however, as bad as it gets there isn’t a clear voice or organisation pushing for a demerger in the Hilltops area.

But a few Councillors are visible and vocal for a demerger. However, the rate payers know how bad it really is going.