Hilltops Council will be looking at report detailing the recommendation distribution of their 2019/20 sponsorship/financial assistance funds.

    Council received thirty-eight applications for sponsorship and financial assistance in Round 1 of the 2019/2020 programs. These came from a wide cross section of community and sporting groups within the Hilltops LGA. The budget allocation for this round in total is $100,000, with the received applications requesting in total $84,831.38.

   After meeting on September 5, the sponsorship/ financial assistance committee provided a list of recommended funding allocations.

   Hilltops Theatre Train was allocated $1,000 to put towards the cost of hosting a musical, while the Harden Murrumburrah Rugby League Club was allocated $500 for rates, insurance, electricity and fire safety check costs.

   The Junior Football Club successfully applied for $5,000 to be put towards the construction of a garage to house the food van.

   The Harden Murrumburrah Historical Society was allocated $250 to assist them in printing their monthly bulletin. The Murrumburrah Light Horse troop was granted $500 to help alleviate costs associated with travel to Anzac Day, Remembrance Day and other related events.

   The local Camera Club was allocated $750 for the purposes of hosting a photo competition and exhibition.

   The upcoming Harden Kite Festival was granted $5,000 to put towards the costs of hosting and running the annual event.

    Notably, the Harden Gentle Exercise Group, which requested $600 to put towards instructor travel expenses, failed to gain any financial assistance.

   It was recommended that Council hold a second round of applications in February next year in order to distribute the remaining $15,168.62 now left in the fund.