Hilltops Council has been threatened with suspension by Local Government Minister Shelley Hancock, after Council failed to lodge its 2017/2018 financials on time and after receiving an extension.

The General Manager of Hilltops Council has placed a report on the agenda for the Extraordinary Meeting to be held in Young at 5:30pm this Wednesday.

It states, “A significant amount of work was done combined with several onsite audits on

29/1- 1 February 2019 and 1 – 2 August to finally resolve all issues and audited statements were uploaded to the State Audit Office on Friday the 6 September 2019. Unfortunately, on the same day, Council received a Notice of Intention to issue a performance improvement notice in relation to the 2017/18 accounts. The Minister has requested a submission from the Council as to why this Performance Notice should not be issued.”

Council is required to lodge its financial statements combined with its Annual Report to the Minister within four months of the end of previous financial year. Meaning the report should have been submitted by October 2018. Nearly 11 moths ago.

Local Government Minister Shelley Hancock has criticised Hilltops Council’s performance and threatened Council with Suspension.


Hilltops Mayor Brian Ingram and Hilltops General Manager Edwina Marks.

The letter from the Minister, addressed to Mayor Brian Ingram and General Manager Edwina Marks states,


“NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE A PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT ORDER TO HILLTOPS COUNCIL UNDER SECTION 438A OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 In accordance with section 438C of the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act), I hereby give notice of my intention to issue a Performance Improvement Order (PIO) under section 438A of the Act, for actions to be taken, as identified in the draft PIO, to improve the performance of Council.

I have serious concerns that the failure by Council to submit its audited 2017-18 financial reports within the four month statutory period demonstrates it is not functioning effectively. The disclosure of a council’s financial reports is a crucial way in which it remains accountable to its ratepayers.

The timelines for financial reporting under the Act are not optional; they are mandatory obligations. Every council in NSW must adhere to these obligations and every council in NSW is given ample time to return their financial reports.

The reports provide vital information to councillors and the local community about the progress of the Council’s implementation of the key activities it has committed to, as well as its audited financial statements, in order for the Council to remain accountable to its ratepayers. It is vital they are submitted on time. Section 438B(2) of the Act requires me to consider the performance improvement criteria prescribed by clause 413D of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 before issuing a PIO:”

The letter goes on to state, “If a performance improvement order is not complied with (section 438C(2)(c) of the Act) If a PIO is not complied with, I may consider: i. issuing a further PIO; and/or ii. temporarily suspending the Council under Chapter 13, Part 7 of the Act.”

Council has been invited to make a submission to the Minster in respect of the proposed PIO and will most likely do this as a formal resolution.

Hancock is highly unpopular with a number of forcibly merged communities who didn’t want to be merged in the first place. As part of the Berejiklian Government, she is now responsible for the steaming mess which has become local government. Hancock recently told those forcibly merged to “Move on and Move Forward”.

Hilltops Council has heavily invested in TechOne, a local government information system which as late as last month saw Council commit a further $270,352 to Renew the Cloud Service Provision Licence.

The vote for the expenditure was as follows, Councillors: Ingram, Armstrong, Flanery, Horton, Manchester, O’Connor, Roles, Tuckerman, Wallace, Walker

Against: Councillor: Stadtmiller.

It is unclear what such a renewal provides Hilltops Council or rate payers, given that Harden Shire Council upgraded their system which could have been rolled out for under $400,000 and was purchased in 2012.

Hilltops has since spent several million dollars on a system by TechOne.

Both Neil Langford and Matthew Stadtmiller were targeted under Administration, for questioning the process and the choice of IT System. It appears that they may have possessed some level of foresight.