Herby Manwaring with great mate Eric Kuhn on the 18th hole.

Herby Manwaring – Matchplay Force in his 80’s

Having set his sights on the much coveted Dempster Cup for MatchPlay Club Champion for over 65 years, and not getting there, Herby Manwaring has left it until his 80’s to now claim 3 of the last 4 titles.  In a final on the weekend between two Club Octagenarians, Herbie Manwaring has prevailed over ever consistent Ron Kerr, 1 up at the last hole to claim his third title.

Proud as punch, Herbie was last seen at the tall stools near the bar recounting plays and his key shots that got him his third title.  I think every member of the Club envies Herby’s longevity and straightforward approach to the game, along with his fitness and lengthy career.

Well done Champion !!

Glover Goes Low in Cassidy Stableford

On the weekend, magnificent golf conditions prevailed with warm early Spring weather and an at times, flukey breeze.  The course still has a lot of run in it despite some much needed rain last week and quite a few were ready to pounce and score well.

Not the least of these was long term Club Champion who put in a great round, that could have been dimensions better except for a couple of late sneaky bogeys.  Ben Glover has shot a -1 round for 70 off the stick and as suggested, leaked a couple late meaning that the round could well have been one of the best shot in the last 20 years around our Golf Course.

In stableford terms, this great round accounted for 42 stableford points and easily accounted for his opposition, and most likely a few points in the handicapping quarter as well.  Runners up and leading off the ball count was Bernie Parker & Robert Bates (40 points), Craig Filmer (37 pts c/b) and Darrell Cassidy (37 pts c/b).  Two other also scored 37 points to beat their handicaps by a shot but did not finish the back 9 as strong as Craig & Darrell.

Our nearest the Pin for the Bendigo Bank Hole in One hole, went to Herby Manwaring who claimed a ball at 4.75m.

Stevo Says ‘My Turn’ at Midweek

The Man with the flashest mode of transport in the Golf Club, has steered his shiny new buggy to a 12 hole stableford win this last Midweek Competition.

Showing a clean set of heels to defeat his opposition by 1 shot and his handicap by 7 shots, Bob Stevenson has relived some glory days, scoring the lights out last week.  The 7 shots he beat his score by to return a 31 point round from the 24 point par course, has cost Bob dearly in the handicapping stakes.  Bob deducts all 7 shots and will resume his duties this week with a mere 14.5 to chew on.

Runner Up again was the ever steady Ron Kerr who had a great round of 30 stableford points and as predicted, I believe his name will be top of the pops shortly in this column.  Billy Kildea did a duplication act this week, by claiming both 3rd and 4th with 28 and 27 points respectively for his returned cards this week.

Pat Walker is Medal of Medals Winner

Our Ladies competed this week for the 2019 Medal of Medals which was proudly brought to them by Harden Fuel Supplies.

Having possibly her best round of the year, Pat Walker has shone through with an impressive 95/73 to claim the Voucher and the Gold Medal.  Normally a great putter, Pat has however recorded 38 putts proving just how good this round could have been if a few of those pesky flat stick shots had of behaved themselves.

Runner up on the day went to Alexa Preston with a 78 nett, whilst Jeanette Elliott brought home a 79 nett for a close third place finish.  The Ladies play a Putting event in conjunction with their Medals, and the days winner of the putting was Jeanette Elliott with 28 putts.

Great Rounds By Ladies Start-Up Group

We have been keeping contact in this column with our keen Ladies Start-Up Group and the correspondent has fed some recent action in for publication.

From all accounts the big improver over recent weeks was Cathie Sanderson who brought home her best round to date for 9 holes, presenting a card with 48 shots for a fantastic 29 nett result.  Great shooting Cathie.  Susie Stevens is still beavering away at her game and just last week brought home a 61/39 for 9 holes, proving she is within a whisker of breaking handicap.

With warmer weather coming fast the group is growing and the keen factor is rising.  Word on the street is that Jacqui Solah has just lashed out for a new set of weapons and will be actively trying to tame them fast, look out !!  As well our visiting golf nuts are making more regular trips and Leah and Deb can be seen almost every other week on course, having a rip.

Ladies, come join the fun with Mentor Marj at 9.30am on Tuesdays at the Country Club, its all fun and self driven with no expectations except a laugh and some fun, so come and be a part of it.

This Week

Our flag ship event is on this weekend when we host the Bendigo Bank Bruce Ware Australian 2 Man Ambrose Championships across this weekend.  A couple of late entry slots are available due to a recent cancellation so if you need to be in the running, call the Club on 6386 2483 and speak to the Ladies.

See you all as I vie for the Australian Title ………….