Last term, all students from Murrumburrah Public School participated in a tabloid afternoon in recognition of fantastic attention to our three core PBL values, respect, responsibility and empathy. Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is the driving force behind student behaviour at MPS. We focus on explicit teaching of core behaviours. Focusing on respect, responsibility and empathy, students are given the opportunity to display and learn about associated behaviours in everyday schooling. Our tabloid afternoon was the first of this cycle’s Long and Strong rewards in recognition of consistent upholding of our schools values. Students from kindergarten to year 6 participated in several rotations of physical activities. Students were engaged and participated to the best of their ability again, showcasing why they had earned this reward. I would like to thank the students for their behaviour and teachers for their commitment to PBL. Thankyou for a fantastic Semester 1 and here’s to a great Semester 2.

Mr Jarrod Loiterton — PBL Co-ordinator