Shadow Minister for Local Government Greg Warren has called on the NSW Liberals and Nationals to do something constructive for councils for the first time in eight long years. Since 2011, the NSW Liberal National government has taken a lot from councils but has given very little back.

The Premier and her colleagues have stripped councils of their powers, quadrupled the waste levy in some parts of NSW; and forced councils across NSW to amalgamate against their will. Most recently, the Liberals and Nationals took away the ability of councils to adequately plan their budgets when it announced councils would be footing the bill for the $19 million Fire Emergency Service Levy black hole.

The announcement was made in May, well after councils had prepared their 2019-20 budgets. The result will mean that councils will be forced to slash services and increase their rates. Mr Warren said Local Government Week 2019 (Monday, July 29 through to Sunday, August 4) was the perfect opportunity for the Liberals and Nationals to acknowledge the important role played by councils across the state. “Councils play a vital – and in many cases, underappreciated – role in our everyday lives,” he said. “They look after local roads, sporting fields, swimming complexes, libraries and much more. “NSW Labor appreciates local councils but it is as clear as day that this Liberal state government does not feel the same way. “Since 2011, this Liberal government has done everything possible to make life difficult for councils and as a further consequence, ratepayers.

“Local Government Week presents an opportunity for the Liberal government to do something positive for councils for the first time in eight years. “But I and every council throughout NSW won’t be holding out breath.”