Name changes, Upset residents, Accusations made against Councillors, No meetings for months, Lack of investigation into other possible sites, Poor community consultation, Letters to the Editor, Safety issues, General Managers without a contract, Heritage vandalism, Done Deal, Lack of Process.

These are just some of the issues which have reared their head since the idea was first floated.

Hilltops Council will be faced with the following resolution on Wednesday night at their monthly Council meeting.


(a) Acknowledge Councils August 2018 resolution to execute the Heads of Agreement between NSW Department of Education and Hilltops Council;

(b) Acknowledge Council capital expenditure of $6,500,000 associated with the jointuse Library and Community Facility;

(c) Endorse the Schematic Building Design and Schematic Landscape Design of the joint-use Library and Community Facility;

(d) Endorse the agreed ongoing operating costs associated with Council’s tenancy in the joint-use Library and Community Facility of $70,000 pa for the first four years and then for subsequent review thereafter; and

(e) Delegate to the General Manager the authority to further negotiate the legal agreements (Project Deed and Lease) between the NSW Department of Education and Council with the intention to bring these documents back to Council in July 2019 for decision.

Watch This Space.