Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke today announced $2.67 million in funding to honour a promise to the newly-formed Hilltops Council and the residents of the Hilltops region. She said, “Today I am so proud to announce that the NSW Government has delivered on its promise of finding the shortfall in costs that were identified by the Hilltops Council following the successful amalgamation of the Young, Boorowa and Harden Councils,”

Whether the amalgamation has been successful or not is still up for debate with Hilltops Rate-payers experiencing huge increases in costs. Rates will go up 36% over 10 years and Fees and Charges up 54.96% over 10 years according to Hilltops Councils own modelling.

This didn’t stop the former Administrator of Hilltops Wendy Tuckerman and the local member embracing in front of the cameras in a show of jubilation.

Ms Cooke said. “Today’s announcement is testament to all of those, both in Hilltops Council and the NSW Government, who have worked so very hard to deliver this for those it affected.” Ms Cooke said the merger of the councils was a situation which she had inherited, but one which she had vowed to deliver for. “In making this announcement today I would like to thank Hilltops Council – led by Mayor Brian Ingram – for their patience, collaboration and importantly for their trust in me that I would not let this important issue lay until this outcome was reached,” Ms Cooke added. “This is a great result,” said Mayor Brian Ingram. “It’s due to a tremendous amount of hard work from a number of people: Hilltops Council, our local Member Steph Cooke and the Deputy Premier John Barilaro. “It’s a fantastic relief for me personally. This is something I inherited along with Ms Cooke when she was elected. We’ve worked extremely hard and it’s a great pressure off my shoulders,” he added.

Shooters Fishers Farmers Spokesman Matthew Stadtmiller said, “Only last week did I state, when the local member makes an announcement we can often be made felt like we are being showered with gifts. In reality we are only getting back a slice of what we paid in taxes. This funding is long overdue. It has taken two years since Harden, Young and Boorowa were forcibly amalgamated for the government to be dragged to the table with this funding which should have been provided in the first place. The fact we had a shortfall of $2.65 million shows that the merger process wasn’t thought through.”

Labor Spokesman Charlie Sheahan said, “Country Labor opposed the forced mergers from the word go and it’s only fair that the government foots the bill for this and not the ratepayer. Snowy Valley’s Council is showing a deficit in their transition and Coota-Gundagai could find that they have a shortfall also. We are still in the process of implementing a number of policies and it’s starting to look a bit ugly. Coota-Gundagai sits between Hilltops and Snowy and there is no reason to suggest that Cootamundra-Gundagai will be any different. It shows how poorly a thought out policy the Fit For The Future model was and the amalgamation process and how it justifies the opposition that some of the residents have shown.”

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