Harden Fire and Rescue NSW Captain, Wal Leonow, has identified the bridge across Demondrille Creek, on the Burley Griffin Way, as the piece of infrastructure most likely to see an accident occur. As part of his duties, Wal and his team are required to identify the 10 most high-risk areas within the region he is responsible for. This involves assessing the site, and calculating the risk of an accident occurred, and the potential for injuries and fatalities should something occur. The Demondrille Creek Bridge, due to its narrow width, position along a major thoroughfare, and tendency to be submerged by fog in winter, makes it a high risk area. Wal suggested that should an incident occur on the bridge, not only would injuries and fatalities likely result, there would be issues associated with the pollution of the creek. He said the bridge saw six to eight thousand traffic movements per day, and the skid marks to be found along the road suggested there had been more than one near miss. Other identified potential issue areas include grain silos becoming combustable due to a build up of gases – a particularly prominent issue in an agricultural area such as Harden. Hilltops Council needs to consider these priorities when allocating future infrastructure funding, provided the issues fall within their jurisdiction.

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