Ali Spencer going for the last try of the match and Dylan Arabin (at fullback) who was instrumental in preventing a couple of Bears’ tries last Saturday.

   Buoyed by their respective good performances last week at Boorowa, the Jersey Girls and Brahmans set out with confidence for their clash with the Bears at Jamieson Oval on a cold but sunny Saturday. Unfortunately, their confidence was somewhat short lived.
   In the league tag it took just 5 minutes for a North Canberra girl to run wide out and evade the defenders and touch down under the posts. To their credit, the Jersey Girls struck back with a try four minutes later to a hard working Kayley Hart and Hannah Phillis added the
extras and it was six apiece.
   After the re-start, the Binalong girls were starved of possession and field position for a long 15 minutes during which time the Bears scored two more tries to lead 18-6.     As the half closed out the Jersey Girls regained some composure and forced their hosts backwards.
However, in a disgraceful display of adjudication the referee and touch judges missed two obstructions and a blatant forward pass to see the hosts score again for a half time result of 22-6.
   But when the second half opened it took just 2 minutes for the Bears to force a line-break to extend their lead to 28 points. Sarah Foy and Cara Phillis pushed hard at the line and gained some ground. Their kick chase game was excellent and it paid dividends when Ali Spencer forced her way over to set the score at 28-12 after nine minutes.
Cherrae Smith and Alex Ryan played strongly with a super kicking game by Ali and Cara Phillis but the Bears finished ahead 32-12 at full time. Again, the girls continued to gain confidence against a superior opponent.
 It was then the Brahmans turn to take on North Canberra, in an afternoon when temperatures continued to drop. Having lost 32-6 at home in April, could Binalong make an impact on the Bears? Unfortunately, it took the home side just four minutes to take their score to 4-0. In a game where heavy tackles were the order of the day, Binalong kept North Canberra away from the try line for another 25 minutes.
   However, with only five minutes of the half remaining the Bears struck with 2 converted tries to go to the break leading 16-0. James Blair and Dylan Downey were stand-outs all afternoon, as was Drew Arabin. The Bears had done their homework and these 3 players were heavily marked all day.
   When play re-commenced the hosts crossed the chalk again after six minutes and almost immediately repeated the play to lead 26-0. The result looked bleak for the
visitors. In spite of fine defence by Pete Adam and Jarrod Whatman the Brahmans could not make any real impression on North Canberra. Some dropped ball by both sides did nothing to improve the spectacle of this game.
   Kobi Bradshaw and Chris Enslow put in some fine attacking displays, but Enslow was sent to the bin for a profession foul putting Binalong back to 12.
However James Blair had been stalking the Bears all day and with just 5 minutes of the game left he made his break and sprinted 65 metres to score 15 metres to the right of the posts. Nathan Lilliard had been inventive and damaging to the hosts all game, but couldn’t improve the score with a conversion.
   Fullback Dylan Arabin was excellent in defence all day but the Waldren Construction Brahmans went down 36-4. This week Binalong have the bye.
   North Canberra 36 def Binalong 4 (try: J.Blair)
Referee: Mr. J.Gould.
bos Indicus

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