Contractors have been at work in the streets of the twin towns over the last week, cutting branches off trees and reducing the height of a number of others under power lines. The process appears to happen on an annual or bi-annual frequency. This tree in Smith Street is looking a little worse for wear. Would it have been a better idea to have cut it off at ground level? What residents are now left with could aptly be described as deformed and ugly.

Country Energy often emply contractors to remove vegetation so that it does not impede power lines; however, maybe a fair dinkum approach should be taken where trees that grow over a certain height are removed and replaced with trees that don’t need cutting so often or at all. Yes it keeps contractors in work but it just adds to the operating costs for energy users and makes our streets look very dire. Country Energy’s Communications Officer was contacted for comment. For an even worse example residents can look at the large tree across the road from the high school bus shelter.

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