After the rain on Saturday adults and children turned up on Sunday to enjoy a social gathering in the park behind the hall in the beautiful sunshine. Clayton and Glenda cooked the barbecue comprising of steak, rissoles, sausages and vegetable wraps which went well with other salads. Winners of the meat raffles were Karen, George and Clayton. Welcome to Greg and Heidi who have recently bought a house in Hill street with their arrival coming with a ‘loud bang’ which shocked neighbours, but that’s all that will be said about the incident.

By reports the bus to the Binalong Hotel this Friday will have quite a few patrons taking advantage of the courtesy supplied by the proprietors to enjoy once again music by John Vardy and his group, dining and general socialising. The’ games day’ will be held on Sunday, June 17th with the usual ‘goodies’ supplied for lunch. Reminder for parishioners that the next service in the Uniting church will be held on Sunday, June 24th at 10 am with Rhana Wright presiding with Holy Communion.  Twenty-two mms of rain recorded on June 9th. Total rain up until the end of May totalled  123 mms which is 97 mms lower than this time last year.

However, no rain  fell in June 2017 so maybe a catch up this June. The sheriff of Dodge City was walking down the main street when the heel of his boot came off. He put it back in place and stamped his foot to secure it in position, but a little way up the street it happened again. Once more he  stamped his foot to secure it, and then, as it was a hot and dusty day he headed for the saloon. As he strode through the swing doors he was just in time to see a robbery taking place so he went for his gun, but as he did so, off came his heel and he fell flat on his face, letting the bandit escape. As the locals gathered around, the sheriff lay there singing, “You picked a fine time to leave me, loose heel…” John Killick.