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Tony Fisher prepares to send a bowl down during his match against Matt Peisley who is pictured letting a bowl go. The match between these two players was phenomenal to watch with Peisley winning 31/29. Brian Gibson was defeated in his match against Tommy Hawkins in another close one, going down 31/24.

The club singles championship both major and minor grades have now reached the semi finals after matches played through last week an at the weekend. Results are as follows: Brian Gibson defeated Dick Walsh 31/18 This match was played through last week and Brian was in top form and proved just a little too good for Dick who tried hard but was unable to run Brian down.


Chris Hocking defeated Tony Zervos 31/20 Chris has been in good form lately and was too good for Tony who has also been in good form but on the day found Chris too slick Jake Fisher defeated Warren Chesworth 31/13 Jake is a very good young bowler and was in fine form against Warren. He led from start to finish and never let Warren in the match.


Matt Peisley defeated Tony Fisher 31/29 A great game of bowls with both bowlers playing very well there was never more than a couple of shots separating the two players throughout the match. With Tony leading Matt 29/24 it looked as though he would win needing just two shots to win however Matt struck a purple patch picking up seven shots on the next three ends to nail Tony on the line. Kyle Murray defeated Shane McKellar 31/23 Kyle played very well to beat Shane in a very good match. The score were close right up until the last few ends where Kyle was able to get away fro Shane, who also played some nice bowls but was no match for Kyle on the day. Tommy Hawkins defeated Brian Gibson 31/24 A good win for young Tom, a promising young bowler. Got a long way in front early and was never headed. Brian played some nice bowls making up a lot of ground over the concluding stages but found Tom a bit too good.

Matches set down for Sunday

Jake Fisher v Tom Hawkins (m) Brian Gibson The battle of the Brother in Laws Chris Hocking v Matt Peisley (m) Tony Fisher Terry Ricketts v Kyle Murray (m) Shane McKellar Graham Murray went down to a very determined Chris Hocking on Monday afternoon.

Mufti Bowls Sunday

John Hawkins; Ged Davis and Davis kids defeated Dick Walsh; Matt Stadtmiller; Isaac Patterson 13/12. Graham Murray; Di Walsh defeated Tom Apps; Allison Wales 17/9. Warwick Prosser; Bill Graham defeated Tony Jervos; Tony Deverson 18/6. Craig Cooper; Neil Turner; Jane Brownhill defeated Danny Vincent; Matt Brown; Nyssa Stadtmiller 10/9 Danny, Matt and Nyssa won the chooks. Bowlers are advised that entries for the Pairs Championship close on Saturday 9th June. A list is on the notice board. Forms are on the notice board for anyone wishing to purchase bowls uniform from Henselite.