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James Blair has been good for the Brahmans in 2018. The robust Backrower scored a try for Binalong on Saturday.

Jersey Girls

With statistics for both sides almost identical for the 2018 season, the Waldren Construction Brahmans were hoping for a chance to bump the Bungendore Tigers out of fifth spot on the George Tooke Shield table on Saturday. With a better “for” position, Binalong have let in too many points in the season so far. The Jersey Girls were not in such a position however, playing the second placed Tigerettes! Robbed of a chance to gain their first victory of 2018 courtesy of a forfeit by ADFA last Saturday, the Jersey Girls searched for a win against the Tigers and Kate Smith took them up strongly. However, the girls put a ball down early and after six minutes the Bungendore players made them pay with a converted try.

Four minutes later, the same thing happened and the Tigerettes led 10 nil. Undaunted, the home side redoubled their efforts and were looking more confident and the visitors dropped the ball twice under increased pressure. This continued until the 19th minute when the Bungendore girls struck again to lead at 16-0 till half time. But the second half was much better for the Jersey Girls. The majority of mistakes that Binalong make are in the opening minutes of a stanza, suggesting that nerves get the better of them? This was borne out by the fact that Bungendore were in again after 3 minutes to lead 20-0. Without warning the Jersey Girls decided to take it up to the opposition and started to throw the ball around, the Tigerettes dropped a ball and the home side made good metres led by Cara Phillis and Ali Spencer. Tash Goode came on and had an immediate impact, the Jersey Girls earned a six-to-go and Kayley Hart dived over from dummy half to move the score to 20-6.

With 13 minutes to go they did not drop another ball, Alex Ryan and Kelsey Dowling led the way with strong runs. Confidence is a marvelous thing and it made all the difference in the final ten minutes. They did incur a couple of penalties which cost them another 10 points, Cara Phillis scored a conversion and the game finished with a loss 30-6. Next Saturday will be a tougher assignment against an unbeaten Hawkettes.


With the two George Tooke Shield sides on almost identical statistics it was not surprising that they went at each other for more than a quarter of the match without either being able to gain the upper hand. Bungendore kicked a 40/20 but a feature of the clash was the spectacular line breaks by Drew Arabin and there was support this time and Dylan Arabin got the first try after 20 minutes, Nathan Lilliard converted for 6-0.

Nevertheless, Bungendore weren’t satisfied and 4 minutes later scored to draw level at 6-6. The home side’s defence to this point had been very good, their completion rate and ruck speed also picked up this week with Trent Casey at dummy half. Jarrod Whatman and Chris Enslow were extra good in defence but the Tigers put a ball down and James Blair crossed for a try with six minutes to go and Lilliard added the extras for 12-6. However, Bungendore crossed with 20 seconds remaining and a brawl erupted, the referee sent the two full backs to the bin for ten. The scores were locked at 12 a-piece as the players took the field and Bungendore took the upper hand to score after 5 minutes to lead 18-12 and the picture looked glum for the Brahmans.

Both sides conceded possession but then after 11 minutes the Brahmans gave away a penalty near the posts and it was 20-12. The hosts battled on with Benny Potts on the ground, he was not his destructive best but he did hurt defenders. With Binalong threatening close to Bungendore’s line, a Tiger took an intercept and sprinted sixty metres. In spite of a line-dropout, the Brahmans fought back with Jake Arabin and Kobi Bradshaw, Peter Adam led the side around all day and got Dylan Downey close enough to score to trail 20-18. It was an epic battle for fifth spot on the table which Binalong eventually lost 20-18 and a game that just slipped away but the effort was there this week. Next Saturday will be a tough assignment against Harden at McLean oval at 3:00pm. Result: Binalong 18 lost Bungendore 20. Tries: Dylan Arabin, J.Blair and D.Downey. Goals: N.Lilliard (3). Referee: Mr.G.Widdowson. bos Indicus.