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The Harden Country Club will be holding their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 13 June at 7:00pm in the Club’s auditorium. The Club is unveiling the conceptual plans for the proposed new development. A new Club is expected to be built before the old building is demolished. The Club currently has minimum numbers on the board and is welcoming nominations to the board to help oversee the implementation and the general running of the club.

Anyone interested can contact President Tim Davis on 0403 561 974.

Tim said, “We would like as many members and possible new members to come along and have their say on the plans on the night. For the club to go forward we need feedback from the community. It’s a community project not just about the golf course. Long term we want to turn the Country Club in to a sporting hub where a number of sports will be accommodated. We propose to have another meeting after the AGM a fortnight later where members will be invited to view the plans again and a vote may be taken on that night.”

The existing Clubhouse is in urgent need of an upgrade and update. A better facility will help attract people to the town.

Tim said, “Weddings and function and golfing weekends will have a flow on to the rest of the economy in the twin towns. The next few years should see the town put in a good position with a new Club, the RFS Headquarters and the new Hospital which will provide more infrastructure.”

The current squash courts are set to be demolished and re-built.

The new Club is expected to contain a sportsbar and TAB area and general family dining area with a main bar. It is proposed a new auditorium will be built to seat up to 300 diners. The squash courts will be demolished and replaced with 2 new courts as well as new tennis courts and a bowling green. The club will have under cover parking for golf carts and those visiting the club will have excellent views of the majority of the golf course, through the installation of floor to ceiling glass which will allow patrons an expansive experience.

The former bowling green at the Country Club to the east of the current building.

The club hopes to attract buses from around the region for weekend getaways and raise the profile of both Harden and its facilities on top of the hill with the improvements to the Harden Country Club.