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Jess Grosmann with a horse rug sponsored by Jonesys Bobcat Service in 2017.

The Harden Horse Trials will be hitting the ground galloping on August 11 and 12 this year, a week after the Harden Pony Club 1 day event, which will be held on August 5.

A working bee will be held this Sunday June 3 with assistance needed in the areas of maintenance, painting and mowing commencing at 10:00am. Lunch is supplied at the working bee. If you would like to help contact Judy Stewart on 63 862 316 or contact the Facebook pages for Harden Pony Club and Harden Horse Trials.

The March meeting saw long term volunteer and President Fabio Giacoman retire from his role as President within the club. Judy Stewart has taken up a caretaker role for the time being. No doubt Fab’s engineering skills will still come in handy when designing and constructing a new bridge. Sponsorship naming rights to the bridge could be on offer with more news to follow soon.

Volunteers are needed to get the course into shape and officials are currently being organised. Entry discounts will be given to people attending 3 or more days helping out on the course and or at the event. The groups will be running classes from 60cm up to 1 star. A limit of 170 starters is likely this year due to space and time constraints.