Matches in the Club Singles Championship are well under way, with 7 matches played over last weekend. Results were as follows:

Graham Murray defeated Maurice Muller 31/19. Maurice started off at a great rate, leading Graham 14/6 after 10 ends had been played and it it looked likely that an upset was on the cards. But not to be, as Graham got his act together and ran down Maurie to go on to a comfortable win.

Terry Ricketts.

Terry Ricketts defeated Cary Peters 31/14. An easy win for Terry – he had much too experience for Cary who tried hard but found Terry too good on the day.

Chris Hocking defeated Tom Apps 31/8. A match last year’s winner, Tom, would rather forget – did not play well, while Chris was in great form playing outstanding bowls and fully deserved his win.

Warwick Prosser.

Warwick Prosser defeated Tony Zervos 31/30. A great match, with both bowlers in good form. Tony got away to a great start, leading 16/6 after 14 ends. Over the 7 ends Warwick had got to within 1 shot of Tony at 18/19. Over the next 12 ends both players were level on 27/27. Tony picked up 3 shots to lead 30/27 and looked home, but Warwick picked up 4 shots on the next 2 ends to nail Tony on the post.

Brian Gibson.

Matt Peisley defeated Brian Gibson 31/26. Matt, a very good bowler, was playing in his first Championship since recently joining the Club. He started off very well to lead Brian 15/0, after only a few ends had been played. Over the next few ends Brian fought back strongly, scoring 19 shots to Matt’s 5 to trail 19/20. Another 6 ends, they were locked together 26/26 and it was anyone’s game. But it was Matt who finished the stronger, picking up 5 shots to run out winner in a match where both bowlers played very well.

Matt Peisley.

Tom Hawkins defeated Maurice Muller 31/20. Maurice started off very well, taking an easy lead of 14/7. Tommy reeled Maurie in when he picked up 8 shots to lead 15/14. Maurice scored 4 shots to regain the lead at 18/15. From that point on it was all Tommy as he raced away with the match, allowing only 2 more shots before going out.

Tommy Hawkins.

Warren Chesworth defeated Bradyn Jurd 31/13. Warren was much too experienced for Braydn who has not been playing bowls very long – he tried hard but was no match for Warren who played very well for his win.

Tony Zervos.

Reuben Rycroft.

Carey Peters.

Barney Heywood.

Mufti Bowls Sunday – Rod James, Matt Brown defeated Craig Cooper, Dick Walsh (winners of the chooks) 23/10. Graham Murray, Tony Deverson, Allison Wales defeated Doug Hawkins, John Hawkins, Di Walsh 11/8.

Tom Apps, Shane McKellar, Brian Gibson and Dick Walsh represented the Club at the Young Club’s President’s Day last Saturday. They played well to win one of two, but no prizes.

Matt Peisley surveying the situation, whilst Jody Potts and Mel Brownhill chew the fat in the background.

Robyn Apps, Ann Marie Phillis, Deanne DeBritt and Chris Hancock contested the Cootamundra Ex-Services Invitation Fours on Wednesday of last week. The team performed well, winning one of two.

The local Lady Pennant bowlers took off to Young for some practice, for their Pennant Play Off at the Wagga Rules Bowling Club on Tuesday next week. We wish them good luck.