The Cootamundra Branch of the Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party are doing their bit to eradicate pest species, by holding a Fox and Feline eradication program over the winter months.

Foxes and feral cats eat on average 150 kilograms of native wildlife and livestock per year/per animal. Nearly all animals under 5.5kgs can be taken by a fox.

This includes native birds, reptiles and mammals, lambs, piglets, chickens and other poultry as well as domestic pets.

The SFF has asked the NSW Government to bring in a fox bounty like the one which operates in Victoria and the Cootamundra Branch has decided to lead by example.

Branch President Matthew Stadtmiller said, “We have taken the idea of the bounty and spread it over the fox breeding season. Farmers are doing it tough enough at the moment with drought conditions and with little feed around. They don’t need their livestock taken by these pests during an already difficult time.”

There will be weekly prizes for the most foxes and feral cats eradicated in a single week as well as major prizes at the end of the competition.

It’s $85 to enter and the amount is tax deductible.

Field and Stream Australia  (Bowral) have kindly donated  prizes for the FFF 2018 competition.

The Major Prizes for the top 3 totals at the End of the Competition are:

1st Prize: $750 Open Order at Field and Stream Australia.

2nd Prize: $500 Open Order at Field and Stream Australia.

3rd Prize: $250 Open Order at Field and Stream Australia.

The Weekly Prize for the most eradicated Foxs and Cats each week is a choice of either: A Cattleman’s Cutlery Black Handle Single Blade Locked Back Folding Knife (RRP $37.00)


An Elk Ridge Pink and Camo Single Blade Liner Lock Folding Knife (RRP $39.00)

Competition details can be found at…..