Sam Flanery and Gabi Chan enjoying the evening at the Murrumburrah Court House on Friday.

Around 40 ladies attended the International Women’s Day which was held at the old Court House and organised by Rita O’Connor. Rita spokeon on the history of this particular celebration which began 1909 and commemorated a strike by garment workers in the US. In 1917 Russian women protested for ‘bread and peace’ which also fell on March 8. They were granted the right to vote. Elsewhere in Europe women held rallies to protest the war or to express solidarity with other activists. Rita also said that women have great influence and provide stability in uncertain rural economies, often working whilst bringing up a family. She stressed the importance of education which can be ongoing throughout our lives. Rita said it was important that women remain healthy in mind, body and spirit as women form the backbone of rural Australia. She then went on to introduce 7 guest speakers for the evening and these included Gabi Chan, a journalist for 30 years who is currently writing a book entitled ‘Rusted Off’, and Sam Flanery a mother and ex-lawyer with a passion for education and how it can empower rural women.

Emily Bowker spoke about her life, education and how strong women influenced her life. Cathy Banwell and Helen Keane, researchers from the ANU, explained their current research. Beverly Houterman talked about her role as a Financial Counsellor with RFCS in the Southern Region. Julie O’Connor well known coloratura soprano entertained the guests with her beautiful voice. Seven women were honoured as having inspired different members of the community and these were Vicki Fairfield- Smith, Barbara Sargent, Monica O’Connor, Jan Young, Jodie Pollard, Nikki Bolger and Maryanne Fitzgerald.

1. Vicki Fairfield-Smith – her commitment as a Maternal Health Nurse, ensuring the best possible care and advice, especially to those at risk. It also recognizes your commitment to the importance of vaccinations and your passionate education of the community.

2. Barb Sargent – her role in helping establish the Bendigo Bank. It is also for your contribution over the last 40 years to the Bicentennial Committee, Demondrille Players and other community groups.

3. Monica O’Connor – your tireless work with CanAssist and in supporting the cancer community. This also recognizes your incredible fundraising achievements for cancer research and all the volunteer work for the Catholic Church.

4. Jan Young – your inspirational leadership and commitment to education in our small community. You have given so much to enhancing the lives of local teenagers, in encouraging them to believe in themselves, particularly through your work in the Farm Club.

5. Jodie Pollard – the time you give to the Hawks and Hawkette Rugby League Football Clubs, in organizing fundraising events, games and social events.

6. Nikki Bolger – your dedication and passion to the nursing community, especially through your capacity as District Nurse and your provision of care to breast cancer and other cancer sufferings. This award also recognizes your current work in Essentials of Care, in improving the programs and systems for nursing staff.

7. Maryanne Fitzgerald – your work as treasurer of CanAssist, finance committee for the Catholic Church and assisting in the sacramental programs and for assisting with fundraisers for Trinity School.

Rita thanked Ken McKay and Keith Ward for assistance with sound, Stephanie Corkhill-Hyles, Ros Bickford, Monica O’Connor and Robert Scott and family for their contribution to the night. She said she is planning a cocktail party for next year to get the men involved. We look forward to that.