With the festive season now firmly behind us, Council operations are well and truly churning; a 900-page business paper is only one indication that Hilltops Council is a busy organisation, bursting with activity. There are a variety of community feedback sessions available for response to the new library project. A much-needed new Waste Strategy is on the horizon, which will be accompanied by a variety of educational tools so that everyone in the community will be aware of the requirements for effective waste management.

One area I am passionate about is ensuring women are recognised for their contributions and achievement, as well as trying to support them through the challenges of rural living. International Women’s Day is celebrated each year on the 8th March. Plans are being consolidated for the Stronger Community projects, so become involved and support the initiatives. I am involved in individual and community meetings looking at the priorities of Harden and I know other councillors are involved with different areas throughout Hilltops. Many people have wonderful ideas on how to improve our Council area and I encourage you to contact one of the Councillors to assist or direct you to the appropriate channel.