In order to ensure Hilltops residents across the entire LGA have the opportunity to speak to councillors and executive staff directly about the issues important to them, Council will host monthly village workshops to consult with those living outside of Young, Harden and Boorowa. Mayor Brian Ingram said given the considerable geographic area the Hilltops Region now covers, it was important to provide an opportunity for those living in villages and on rural properties, to consult with councillors. “Living out of town means it’s not always easy to make it to Council meetings and other community forums that Council undertakes in the three main townships,”

Mayor Ingram said. “One of the most common concerns raised during the community consultation phase of the Community Strategic Plan, was that villages felt they weren’t able to engage effectively with Council due to the distances needed to travel. “To get around that problem, Council will hit the road and visit the villages across the LGA to ensure we hear from all residents, regardless of their address. These workshops will be in addition to Section 355 Committees and Progress Association meetings, which are also an excellent avenue for sharing ideas and raising concerns with us,” he said.

Mayor Ingram explained the order of locations will be rolled out alphabetically, and will be arranged in consultation with each Progress Association, with more details to be provided closer to the time of each meeting. “It’s expected the workshops will run as an open forum, with those who come along, given the chance to ask questions of the councillors and executive staff in attendance,” Mayor Ingram said. The first workshop will be held at Bendick Murrell on Wednesday 21 March at the Bendick Murrell Hall commencing at 6pm. Details of future monthly workshops will be posted on Council’s website and social media pages, and in local media.