Cheryl Minehan and Sue Shuttleworth at Vinnies.

Cheryl said, “We have had a lot of stock come in from Canberra and we need to pass it on to those who need it.” Vinnies usually has a sale at the end of each season; however, it is hoped to run them more frequently. She said, “It’s very important in our community for people to be able to shop for lower cost items. All clothing is clean and unmarked; some are very new items and we cater from babies through to adults.” Cheryl has been at Harden Vinnies for nearly 2 years next month. She said, “In that time our customer base has grown and a lot more people are using the store.” The location is great for Vinnies as it is right next to the Supermarket. She said, “We can keep a lot of stock out the back and we hope to extend the selling area further back to provide more room.” Linda Barry said that through the Bendigo Bank, 28 Xmas Hampers including toys were distributed to the community. She said the Conference deals with interviews for assistance with food, electricity and essentials and these take place between 9.30 and 10.30am. She said the shop is going very well and Cheryl is doing great things with it. Linda has asked the people who donate clothing to only donate what you would wear yourself, as they have to throw away what is rubbish and have to pay tip fees. Young Vinnies do not pay tip fees. Linda said all proceeds from the shop go back to the community. Volunteers are always needed. If you’re looking for some new items for the coming months, head into Vinnies.