Joe Blundell has recieved the Eventing Volunteer award at the EANSW awards night this week. Joe was part of the founding members of the Harden Horse Trials which commenced in 1983. For 35 years Joe has undertaken several roles including Course Design and Builder, president and any other role needed to keep the club alive.  Joe’s daughter Natalie said, “For anyone who has taken this role on, you know it is many weekends and months leading up to the actual event with less than a handful of people to get the course up to scratch. For Joe it would probably add up to around 280 weekends at the XC course alone over time. Joe (or dad to me) was still helping build and maintain the course last year though his knees had pretty much gone, and was booked in for knee replacement just two weeks after the last Horse Trials which was one of our most successful to date. Joe also puts in time at the pony club ODE’s which has been instrumental in bringing young country riders through. Dad, well done you deserve this award and I’m so thankful along with many others to you for carrying on this amazing sport.”