June Howe and Bill Tobin, two of our local legends have been a part of Clean Up Australia for over 20 years. Another resident, Sue Knight, helped them before she moved to the coast to live. June said, “We always do the Demondrille area and Cootamundra Road. We managed to pick up 28 hessian bags of rubbish the first year but that has narrowed down to 5 bags this year.” June laughed when she said, “We have all sorts of things to pick up. We have picked up a crate of rotten eggs, a bong or two, an odd shoe, sock, hubcaps, Macca’s and KFC remnants and coffee cups. This year one driver threw a plastic bottle out at us and had a laugh.” June said that one year Bill put a hose down at Hugo Sachs’s gate and said, “Look out for the snake June; the next year there actually was a real snake in about the same position.”