It’s full-steam ahead for Harden-Murrumburrah Local Health Advisory Committee (LHAC), which held an election of office bearers and began discussing projects for 2018 this week. Newcomer to the LHAC, Hilton Doberer, was elected Chair with former Chair John Ford elected as Vice Chair. Other Harden-Murrumburrah LHAC members are: Rita O’Connor (Secretariat), Carol Ford (Communications Officer), Carmel Brown, John Horton and Craig Nicholls. Members discussed some of the key priority areas for the health service in the area and will meet again next month to determine their priority projects for the next 12-18 months. “One of the areas we will be working towards is improving awareness around access to services, which is important for our aging community,” explained Mr Doberer. “Our other very important priority is around mental health in our community.”

Mr Doberer encouraged members of the community to make contact with the LHAC to talk about their health needs and concerns. “We are advocates for health services in our community, and we want local people to feel that they can come and talk to us about their concerns and provide feedback, so that we can communicate these issues effectively with Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD)and the Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN).” LHACs play a key role in this, forming a link between the community and the health service and are a valued part of the MLHD and MPHN team. The LHAC is supported by Kerry Menz (Harden-Murrumburrah Health Service & MLHD) and Jeanette Lautier (MPHN). MLHD works in partnership with the MPHN to improve the health literacy of the community and to drive improvements in the regional health system in the provision of integrated, patient-centred care. For more information contact: Hilton Doberer on 0413 041 048 or email: mlhd-